mobile logo Centre of Excellence on
Watershed Management,
UAS, GKVK, Bangalore

Centre of Excellence (CoE) on Watershed Management is established at the University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru, during 2022 as a component of the World Bank supported REWARD program, implemented by Watershed Development Department, Government of Karnataka.


Designing and advocating science based approaches in comprehensive watershed management.


Facilitating the acquisition of advanced technical skills by the stakeholders of watershed management for agricultural resilience.

CoE on Watershed Management

Centre of Excellence (CoE) on Watershed Management is established at the University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru, during 2022 as a component of the World Bank supported Rejuvenating Watersheds for Agricultural Resilience through Innovative Development (REWARD) program, implemented by Watershed Development Department (WDD), Government of Karnataka. The REWARD program is currently in operation in Karnataka and Odisha. Uniqueness of this program, is adoption of more advanced scientific approaches through land resource inventory and hydrology for management of watershed. The REWARD program is designed based on the experience gained in Sujala-3 project, which was supported by the World bank and implemented by WDD, Government of Karnataka. The DoLR, GoI, is planning to mainstream these scientific approaches in management of watersheds throughout the country in a phased manner.

Main objective of the CoE on Watershed Management is to mainstream the LRI technology and science based watershed development in the country

The CoE is expected to play a key role in demonstrating the application of science based approaches in watershed development, impart training to the members of line departments of the State and beyond, develop manuals, refinement of decision support system, exchange knowledge, facilitating the development of dissemination tools and a host of other outputs needed for mainstreaming the LRI approach in the country.

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Latest News and Notifications

Training on Natural Resources Management, Production System and Micro- enterprises and Livelihood Improvement for PIA of REWARD, Odisha, 24-26 September, 2024

Training on Effective Generation and Dissemination of LRI and Agro-advisories under REWARD Program, 18-20 September, 2024

Webinar Series on Theme1 - Carbon Connect.
Topic: Carbon Credits in Agriculture: Unraveling the Enigma

Training on Application of Scientific Data generated under REWARD Program for Planning and Implementation of Department of Agriculture Programs, 10-11 September, 2024


Here you can review some statistics about the Centre

  • 33
Trainings Conducted
No. of Trainees
  • 13
Field Visits

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