mobile logo Centre of Excellence on
Watershed Management,
UAS, GKVK, Bangalore

Prof. G S Dasog
Ph.D. (Soil Science)
Consultant – Land Resource Inventory)

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Prof. Dasog is a pedologist by training and has experience of working in National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning, Nagpur and University of Saskatchewan, Sakatoon, Canada and University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad. He also has the experience of partnering with various international projects viz., Indo-Dutch Network Project on control of soil salinity in Canal Commands of UKP and Indo-European Consortium Project on Use of Waste water in Agriculture involving multiple partners from India and Europe. He coordinated a development research project on activities related to agriculture under the Karnataka Community Based Tank Management Project assisted by the World Bank between 2002-12 working with several farmers from tank villages of 10 districts of north Karnataka. He also has exposure to World Bank in Upper Krishna, NATP and NAIP, and Sujala-3.



+91 94483 51358
